
How to reach Nanda Devi National Park, Uttarakhand, India?

How to reach Nanda Devi National Park by air and which is the nearest airport to Nanda Devi National Park?
The nearest airport is Jolly Grant is Dehradun Airport at a distance of about 286 km from Nanda Devi National Park.

Delhi International Airport is at a distance of about 514 km from Nanda Devi National Park.

How to reach Nanda Devi National Park by train and which is the nearest railway station to Nanda Devi National Park
The nearest railway station is at Rishikesh at a distance of about 272 km from Nanda Devi National Park.

You could also opt to travel from train to Haridwar that is at a distance of about 291 km from Nanda Devi National Park.

Distance between various places to reach Nanda Devi National Park
Delhi > [220 kms| > Haridwar > [20 kms| > Rishikesh > [75 kms| > Rudraprayag > [ 115 kms| > Joshimath > [29 kms| > Lata Village > [29 kms| > Joshimath > [267 kms| > Dehradun

Good read - on Nanda Devi National Park and directions to reach it by

Tag : Travel Uttarakhand | Content: | Image: Asheeshmamgain | Update: 14-Mar-2021