
Pallavas Shore Temple Shrines, Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu, India

The Pallavas were great patrons of art and there artisans had their own distinct style of temple architecture. Shore temple complex was built by the Pallavas between 7th and 8th century.

The temple complex including the main temple, two smaller ones, many minor shrines, open mandapas and gateways were found buried under the sand. As per inscriptions found the names of these three shore temples during Pallava's time were Kshatriyasimha Pallavesvara-gruham, Rajasimha Pallavesvara-gruham and Pllikondaruliya-devar and the complex itself was termed as Jalashayana (meaning lying in water).

Rising to the first rays of light the main shore temple dedicated to Shiva faces east.

How to reach Mahabalipuram or Mammallapuram?

Tag : Travel Tamil Nadu | Content: | Image: Gopinath Sivanesan | Update: 16-Mar-2021