
How to reach Brihadiswara Temple, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India?

Brihadeswara Temple is located in Thanjavur also known as Tanjore in Tamil Nadu, India. Thanjavur gained importance as the capital of the Chola empire for about 150 years towards the end of the first millennium.

How to reach Brihadeswara Temple, Thanjavur by air? Which is the nearest airport to Brihadeswara Temple, Thanjavur?
Tiruchirappalli International Airport is the nearest airport to Thanjavur and it is at a distance of about 61 km.
Distance between Tiruchirappalli International Airport and Brihadeswara Temple is about 60 km.

How to reach Brihadeswara Temple, Thanjavur by train? Which is the nearest railway station to Brihadeswara Temple, Thanjavur?
Brihadeswara Temple is located in the city of Thanjavur - and Thanjavur Junction is well connected to other cities by train.
Distance between Thanjavur Railway Station and Brihadeswara Temple is about 2.5 km.

The best time to visit Brihadeswara Temple is between November to February as the climate is much cooler.

Tag : Rajarajesvaram or Brihadisvara Temple | Content: | Image: Gughanbose | Update: 16-Mar-2021