North Torana, Sanchi Stupa, Madhya Pradesh, India
The North Torana is one of the four richly carved gateways or toranas surrounding the Great Stupa. It has been best preserved of all the gateways as it still retains most of its ornamental figures. The lintels on the North Torana have seated Lions and Yakshinis.
Torana has many scenes from various events of the life of the Buddha. One panel has vivid sculptures depicting Buddha overcoming the temptation of Mara's daughters and threat of Mara + the demons of Mara fleeing Sanchi Stupa; Another has a sculpted scene of Sujata, bringing the meal which she prepared for Gautama before he began his last meditation prior to his enlightenment;
The pillar capitals of North Torana have elephant looking in all four directions and its panels depict various miracles performed by Buddha - including the great miracle at Sravasti where Buddha walks in the air.
The Great Stupa in Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh, India is recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. How to reach Sanchi Stupa?