
How to reach Chapora Fort, Goa, India?

Chapora Fort is at a distance of about 11 km from Mapusa town in Goa. Chapora Fort is at a distance of about 5 km from Arjuna Beach.
Chapora Fort is at a distance of about 750 metres from Vagator Beach and is a short walk away.

How to reach Goa by air?
Goa has its own Domestic and International airport and it is well connected to most cities in India.

Distance from Goa Airport
Goa International Airport is at a distance of about 28 km from Panjim
Goa International Airport is at a distance of about 28 km from Mudgaon or Margoa
Goa International Airport is at a distance of about 39 km from Mapusa

How to reach Goa by train?
Goa railway stations (Madgaon Junction and Thivim railway station) are located in the centre of the city and are well connected to most cities in India.

Tag : Travel Goa | Content: | Image: Vatsal Parekh | Update: 15-Mar-2021