
How to reach Siena Italy from Florence by train?

Siena is easy to reach from Florence either by bus or train - and once you reach there it is easy to tour - as most of its historical sights (Cathedral complex = Biblioteca Piccolomini Library + Museum, Baptistery +  Crypts, Historic Centre of Siena, Battistero di San Giovanni) are almost within five minutes’ walk of the Piazza del Campo - till date is one of most impressive medieval squares I have visited in Europe.

My wishlist of day tours from either Florence or Sienna would laways include - San Gimignano, Chianti Wineries, Montepulciano, Pienza...

Note - I think this frame is of Siena - I am not 100% sure....

Tag : Travel Italy | Content: | Image: Patrick Schneider | Update: 23-Mar-2021