
How to reach Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India?

How to reach Kodaikanal and which is the nearest airport to Kodaikanal?
The nearest Airport to Kodaikanal is Madurai Airport which is at a distance of about 134 km.

You could also opt to reach Kodaikanal via Coimbatore Airport which is at a distance of about 180 km.

How to reach Kodaikanal by train and which is the nearest railway station to Kodaikanal?
The nearest railway station to Kodaikanal is Kodai Road Railway Station. The distance from Kodai Road Railway Station to Kodaikanal is about 80 km.

Best Time to visit Kodaikanal is between October and March.

Distance beween Kodaikanal and few cities
The distance between Kodaikanal and Madurai is 116 km
The distance between Kodaikanal and Coimatore is 172 km

Tag : Travel Tamil Nadu | Content: | Image: Kreativeart | Update: 17-Mar-2021