
How to reach Hampi, Karnataka, India?

How to reach Hampi by Air?
The distance between Monuments of Hampi and Bengaluru International Airport is about 349 km. It would approximately take about 7+ hours to drive down from Bengaluru International Airport.

The distance between Monuments of Hampi and the nearest domestic airport that is located at Bellary or the Jindal Vijaynagar Airport, Bellary is about 36 km.

How to reach Hampi by Train?
The nearest railway station from Hampi is Hospet which is at a distance of 13 km.

Best time to visit Hampi
The best time to visit Hampi would be when the temperatures are a bit cooler or between October and February. September is a good shoulder month to visit Hampi but do note it can rain heavily at times in September too and walking around boulders may get slippery.

How many days do you need for planning a getaway to Hampi?
You will need 3 to 5 days depending how many monuments you would like to explore thoroughly in Hampi.

Sightseeing Map of Hampi
If you need a digital map to explore Hampi than check out the homepage of this site as it lists 80+ options for sightseeing.

Tag : Classic Hampi | Content: | Image: Prashmob | Update: 17-Mar-2021