
How to reach Bhandardara falls, Near Igatpuri, Maharashtra, India

How do I reach Bhandardara by air? Which is the nearest airport to Bhandardara?
Airport nearest to Bhandardara is Mumbai International Airport which is at a distance of about 166 km.

How do I reach Bhandardara by train? Which is the nearest railway station to Bhandardara?
There is no railway station in Bhandardara  - The nearest railway station to Bhandardara is Igatpuri Railway Station. The distance from Igatpuri Railway Station to Bhandardara is about 35 km. (Distance varies in many online travel resources - please check online at your preferred site)

Best time to visit Bhandardara is from October to February.

Distance details of nearby cities to Bhandardara
The distance between Bhandardara and Mumbai is about 166 km;
The distance between Bhandardara and Pune is about 162 km;

Tag : Travel Maharashtra | Content: | Image: Mahi29 | Update: 22-Mar-2021