
How to reach Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park, Gujarat, India?

How to reach Champaner by flight?
The nearest domestic airport to Champaner is Vadodara Airport which is at a distance of about 44 km from Champaner.

The nearest international airport to Champaner is Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport in Ahmedabad which is at a distance of about 153 km from Champaner. Ahmedabad airport is well connected with major cities of India and the world.

How to reach Champaner by train?
Champaner Road Junction is connected to Vadodara and Mumbai

Distance between Champaner and other towns and cities
Champaner is at a distance of about 44 km from Baroda.
Champaner is at a distance of about 153 km from Champaner.

Note The Champaner-Pavagadh archaeological site is fairly large about 1329 hectares so it is recommended to rent a car and driver from Baroda.

Tag : Travel Gujarat | Content: | Image: Manisitlani | Update: 16-Mar-2021