
How to reach the Great Himalayan National Park?

Great Himalayan National Park is located in the Banjaar Sub-Division of Kullu District of Himachal Pradesh, India, in the far Western Himalayas. The starting point for any trek or visit to the Great Himalayan National Park is the Kullu Valley region in the state of Himachal Pradesh. This region is best reached by road and air.

How do you reach Great Himalayan National Park by flight
The nearest airport to Great Himalayan National Park is Bhuntar Airport in Kullu, about 60 kms away. Bhuntar Airport is connected to Delhi airport by regular flights.

Distance between Great Himalayan National Park and cities / hill stations

GHNP to Air Port Bhuntar in Kullu is at a distance of about 63 km.
GHNP to Railhead Joginder Nagar in Mandi is at a distance of about 143 km.
GHNP to Kullu is at a distance of about 75 km.
GHNP to Shimla via Mandi is at a distance of about 243 km.
GHNP to Chandigarh is at a distance of about 296 kms.
GHNP to Manali is at a distance of about 113 kms.
GHNP to Dharamsala is at a distance of about 241 kms.

How do you reach Great Himalayan National Park by train
The nearest railway station is Chandigarh Station at a distance of about 296 km. From Chandigarh Station you will need to take either a cab or bus to reach Great Himalayan National Park. The entrance to the Great Himalayan Park is at Tirthan Valley.

Alternatively take a train from Delhi to Pathankot - many options available. And from Pathankot take a toy train or a narrow gauge train to Joginder Nagar in Mandi which is actually a beautiful train ride of about 10 hours. Then take either a cab or bus from there to reach Great Himalayan National Park

For road journey from Delhi or Chandigarh or Kullu refer to The Great Himalayan Park Site for access information.

Tag : Travel Himachal Pradesh | Content: | Image: Sudhanshu Gupta | Update: 14-Mar-2021